Elder Scrolls Call To Arms: Dice Blister

Elder Scrolls Call To Arms: Dice Blister

RRP: £11.99
Now £10.69(SAVE 10%)
RRP £11.99
Expected Release Date 01/01/2025
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Fight for the future of Tamriel with the Elder Scrolls Dice Pack. One white skill dice to determine success or failure, three green accuracy dice to modify the skill dice. The three yellow, three red and three black effect dice determine the outcome of your attacks and skill checks. Manufactured by Modiphius.
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Category Tags , , , , SKU ZBG-MUH052046 Availability Available to Pre-Order
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Fight for the future of Tamriel with the Elder Scrolls Dice Pack. One white skill dice to determine success or failure, three green accuracy dice to modify the skill dice. The three yellow, three red and three black effect dice determine the outcome of your attacks and skill checks. Manufactured by Modiphius.


Fight for the future of Tamriel with the Elder Scrolls Dice Pack. One white skill dice to determine success or failure, three green accuracy dice to modify the skill dice. The three yellow, three red and three black effect dice determine the outcome of your attacks and skill checks. Manufactured by Modiphius.