El Borde

El Borde

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Up or down, makes no difference: Nothing is resolved until you reach El Borde. A man with prophetic dreams; teens on the run; a controlling manager; a fed up woman; a lawyer with a lot to hide and a hotel in the middle of nowhere as the setting for a play where not all the actors are going to see the end. Welcome to the edge. Welcome to El Borde.
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Category Tag SKU ZTP-9781953414212 Availability Available to Pre-Order
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Up or down, makes no difference: Nothing is resolved until you reach El Borde. A man with prophetic dreams; teens on the run; a controlling manager; a fed up woman; a lawyer with a lot to hide and a hotel in the middle of nowhere as the setting for a play where not all the actors are going to see the end. Welcome to the edge. Welcome to El Borde.