Eerie Archives Volume 22 (Hardback)

Eerie Archives Volume 22 (Hardback)

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Alien terrors and celestial double-crosses abound in Cousin Eerie’s latest collection of strange suspense and science fiction fright! The Rook returns with another time-traveling tale, Mac Tavish finds mayhem in an uneasy future, and the epic Beastworld series begins! Collecting Eerie #104 to #108, this tome features stories by Bruce Jones, Larry Hama, Pablo Marcos, Paul Gulac…
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Alien terrors and celestial double-crosses abound in Cousin Eerie's latest collection of strange suspense and science fiction fright! The Rook returns with another time-traveling tale, Mac Tavish finds mayhem in an uneasy future, and the epic Beastworld series begins! Collecting Eerie #104 to #108, this tome features stories by Bruce Jones, Larry Hama, Pablo Marcos, Paul Gulacy, Alfredo Alcala, Jose Ortiz and more!