Earthborne Rangers Stewards of the Valley

Earthborne Rangers Stewards of the Valley

RRP: £35.00
Now £34.99
RRP £35.00
Expected Release Date 01/03/2025
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The Stewards of the Valley adds a new Ranger background set, a new specialty set, and it deepens the card pools of each of the backgrounds and specialties from the Earthborne Rangers core game, giving you even more options for character creation and variability. Includes: New Background Set (Talespinner). Talespinners are the Valley’s historians, storytellers, writers, and perfor…
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The Stewards of the Valley adds a new Ranger background set, a new specialty set, and it deepens the card pools of each of the backgrounds and specialties from the Earthborne Rangers core game, giving you even more options for character creation and variability.


New Background Set (Talespinner). Talespinners are the Valley’s historians, storytellers, writers, and performers, edifying and entertaining the people wherever they may go. Talespinner cards inspire their fellow Rangers to perform great feats of daring and bravery.
New Specialty Set (Spirit Speaker). Spirit Speakers are gifted counsellors and sages, adept at communing with the world of the unseen. Spirit Speaker cards revolve around playing and interacting with spirit beings; calling upon their aid and following their guidance to affect the game state and further the Rangers’ goals.
7 New Roles. Explore more options at character creation with a new role each for the core game specialties plus three Spirit Speaker roles.
Background Objectives. Each background set now has a unique objective card that can be included in your deck. These function as personal missions when, once accomplished, unlock background-specific rewards.
New cards for the core game backgrounds and specialties. Each set from the core game is expanded by 4 new cards to provide more variety at character creation and more options for mid-campaign deck customization.
New Aspect Cards. New Aspect value spreads that allow your Ranger to have a single high-value aspect at the expense well-roundedness.
Mini-Ranger Role Cards. A set of all 15 role cards featuring Evan Simonet’s “mini–Ranger” designs instead of the standard artwork.
14 Card Set Dividers.