Earthborne Rangers Moments on the Path

Earthborne Rangers Moments on the Path

RRP: £25.00
Now £24.99
RRP £25.00
Expected Release Date 04/04/2025
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Moments on the Path introduces a new set of cards that can be used in your campaign to add even more variety to the path deck. You’ll shuffle a number of these cards into the deck based on the number of players in your group. When you draw one it will work a lot like the moment cards in your Ranger deck. Instead of being placed in one of the play areas, you’ll read these cards out…
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Category Tags , , , SKU ZNAY-EBR014 Availability Available to Pre-Order
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Moments on the Path introduces a new set of cards that can be used in your campaign to add even more variety to the path deck. You’ll shuffle a number of these cards into the deck based on the number of players in your group. When you draw one it will work a lot like the moment cards in your Ranger deck. Instead of being placed in one of the play areas, you’ll read these cards out loud, resolve their effects, and discard them. Each of them features a brief story that functions like a mini-campaign guide entry, enriching the story of your Ranger’s journey.