Earth Fate Deck

Earth Fate Deck

RRP: £9.50
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The Other Side uses a standard deck of cards, known as a Fate Deck, in order to resolve conflict. It’s as simple as flipping a card, adding your stat, and comparing it to a target number. The Fate Deck gives players control over their Companies in the form of the Control Hand. Cards in your Control Hand can be used to replace flipped cards, ensuring that the actions you want to su…
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Category Tag SKU ZWCS-WYR40004 Availability Backorder
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The Other Side uses a standard deck of cards, known as a Fate Deck, in order to resolve conflict. It’s as simple as flipping a card, adding your stat, and comparing it to a target number.

The Fate Deck gives players control over their Companies in the form of the Control Hand. Cards in your Control Hand can be used to replace flipped cards, ensuring that the actions you want to succeed won’t fail at a critical moment. Say farewell to all those rolled 1s!