e-Raptor Insert Cthulhu: Death May Die

e-Raptor Insert Cthulhu: Death May Die

RRP: $67.09
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e-Raptor Insert compatible with Cthulhu: Death May Die is your must have accessory designed to organize and improve the experience of the gameplay.Thanks to our insert you can arrange all game components and sleeved cards to keep them in order – no more mess on the table while playing. No more looking for necessary elements during the game.Moreover, when the box is closed, the com…
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Category SKU ZRAP-5902643192751 Availability Out of stock
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e-Raptor Insert compatible with Cthulhu: Death May Die is your must have accessory designed to organize and improve the experience of the gameplay.

Thanks to our insert you can arrange all game components and sleeved cards to keep them in order – no more mess on the table while playing. No more looking for necessary elements during the game.

Moreover, when the box is closed, the components are still kept in order, ready for setting another game faster than ever!

The insert is durable and made of high-quality HDF. To assemble it, there is no glue required. It allows you to hold all components inside the box. You can see the suggested components setup on the pictures. This offer concerns only insert. The game is not included.

Box with insert can be stored sideways - parts of the insert have plexiglass lids that protect elements from falling out. Plexiglass lids have foils, should be taken off before assembling.