Dust 1947 SSU Deck (Includes Mercenary Cards)

Dust 1947 SSU Deck (Includes Mercenary Cards)

RRP: $17.99
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The Dust 1947 SSU Card Pack contains 100 Unit Cards that will allow you to play any SSU and any Mercenary Unit ever released, plus a few others, with the new Dust 1947 rules. This new version of the cards sees many Units revamped and updated. The ensemble is very balanced and makes for a great army to defeat your opponents. Upgrade your SSU army plus Mercenaries, and your gaming exp…
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The Dust 1947 SSU Card Pack contains 100 Unit Cards that will allow you to play any SSU and any Mercenary Unit ever released, plus a few others, with the new Dust 1947 rules. This new version of the cards sees many Units revamped and updated. The ensemble is very balanced and makes for a great army to defeat your opponents. Upgrade your SSU army plus Mercenaries, and your gaming experience with Dust 1947, now!