Dungeons & Dragons: Heroes of Neverwinter (4 Figures)

Dungeons & Dragons: Heroes of Neverwinter (4 Figures)

RRP: £34.39
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RRP £34.39
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Left a desolate ruin after a supernatural cataclysm, Neverwinter rises from the ashes to reclaim its title as Jewel of the North. Yet even as its citizens return and rebuild, hidden forces pursue their own goals and vendettas-any one of which could tear the city apart. Enter our heroes, the bold figher Knox, the devout cleric Celeste, the daring rogue Xuna, and the mysterious tiefli…
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Left a desolate ruin after a supernatural cataclysm, Neverwinter rises from the ashes to reclaim its title as Jewel of the North. Yet even as its citizens return and rebuild, hidden forces pursue their own goals and vendettas-any one of which could tear the city apart. Enter our heroes, the bold figher Knox, the devout cleric Celeste, the daring rogue Xuna, and the mysterious tiefling wizard Makos. These heroes strive together to protect the once proud city and strike out against the forces of evil.