Dungeon Quest: Book One (Paperback)

Dungeon Quest: Book One (Paperback)

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One day, Millenium Boy (sic) decided to grab his hobo stick, his bandanna and his Swiss Army knife, bid his mum goodbye and head off on a quest for adventure. Him and best friend Steve soon find themselves in a violent altercation with two other adventure-seekers. It ends badly for their antagonists and Millenium Boy and Steve become the proud owners of fancy weapons upgrades. On th…
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One day, Millenium Boy (sic) decided to grab his hobo stick, his bandanna and his Swiss Army knife, bid his mum goodbye and head off on a quest for adventure. Him and best friend Steve soon find themselves in a violent altercation with two other adventure-seekers. It ends badly for their antagonists and Millenium Boy and Steve become the proud owners of fancy weapons upgrades. On they trek and the next inductee to the group is the muscle-bound Lash Penis. And that's when things start getting truly weird!