Dungeon Parade. Vol.2 (Paperback)

Dungeon Parade. Vol.2 (Paperback)

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The next volume in this branch of humorous stories happening between the first and second volumes of Zenith presents two stories. In the first, the Dungeon is attacked by a swarm of enormous flying venomous toads. The Dungeon almost succumbs as the toads seek to get free rein inside! In the second, herbert is sent on a mission to clear out the septic tank, which hasn't been done for…
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The next volume in this branch of humorous stories happening between the first and second volumes of Zenith presents two stories. In the first, the Dungeon is attacked by a swarm of enormous flying venomous toads. The Dungeon almost succumbs as the toads seek to get free rein inside! In the second, herbert is sent on a mission to clear out the septic tank, which hasn't been done for 40 years. Turns out the crap has accumulated so massively a whole beautiful ecology has formed in the basement. Should this flowery dung heap be destroyed?