Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG: 92 - Through The Dragonwall

Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG: 92 – Through The Dragonwall

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A level 3 Adventure for DCC RPG Embroiled in a curse from the dawn of history, you have become pawns in a cosmic struggle between the King of Elfland and the ancient dragon-god, Baphotet Kor. Will you stand with the last Empress? Will you face the dreaded Bone Dragon? Or will your bones lie bleached beneath an unchanging sky? This adventure is a test of player skill that will push c…
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A level 3 Adventure for DCC RPG

Embroiled in a curse from the dawn of history, you have become pawns in a cosmic struggle between the King of Elfland and the ancient dragon-god, Baphotet Kor. Will you stand with the last Empress? Will you face the dreaded Bone Dragon? Or will your bones lie bleached beneath an unchanging sky? This adventure is a test of player skill that will push characters to the edge and beyond…Beyond the Dragonwall.

Rules Set: DCC RPG

Written by: Daniel J. Bishop
Cover Art: Clyde Caldwell