Dungeon Adventures: Denizens of the Abyss

Dungeon Adventures: Denizens of the Abyss

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Born of an extra-dimensional realm and energy of pure evil, these demonic creatures are as alien as they are lethal. The very air of the mortal world burns them, every second that they spend away from the embrace of their hellish world is a searing agony on their senses which can be soothed only by slaughter. It is this, as much as their very nature, which makes them so terrifying to face in battle, as they tear into all who face them with wild abandon.


Born of an extra-dimensional realm and energy of pure evil, these demonic creatures are as alien as they are lethal. The very air of the mortal world burns them, every second that they spend away from the embrace of their hellish world is a searing agony on their senses which can be soothed only by slaughter. It is this, as much as their very nature, which makes them so terrifying to face in battle, as they tear into all who face them with wild abandon.