Dreadfort Archers: A Song Of Ice & Fire Exp.

Dreadfort Archers: A Song Of Ice & Fire Exp.

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While there is no shortage of soldiers in House Bolton who prefer to stand face to face with their enemies, where they can inflict the terrible wounds to which they are so prone while also seeing the results of such carnage, an army without ranged support is a easy prey. Now, not to be outdone by their comrades, Dreadfort archers focus on maximizing both fear and damage, as they fir…
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While there is no shortage of soldiers in House Bolton who prefer to stand face to face with their enemies, where they can inflict the terrible wounds to which they are so prone while also seeing the results of such carnage, an army without ranged support is a easy prey. Now, not to be outdone by their comrades, Dreadfort archers focus on maximizing both fear and damage, as they fire their arrows at the enemy even if they are engaged in melee with allied Bolton troops. . The merciless volley that results can be truly devastating as your opponents have to fend off both the Boltons in front of them and the arrows that rain down on them. And if some allies get skewered in the process, well, that's just the price paid on the battlefield.