Dragon's Breath
  • spiel-de-jahres

Dragon’s Breath

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On one of their expeditions the dragon children Mira, Feo, Luna and Diego discover an unusual sparkling treasure: a column of ice with sparkling stones frozen inside it. They want to take the treasure back to their cave. But unfortunately the column of ice is too heavy. The only thing they can do is to melt it. But breathing fire isn’t as easy as it sounds. Instead of fire the…
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In Dragon's Breath the dragon children Mira, Feo, Luna and Diego discover an unusual sparkling treasure on one of their expeditions: a column of ice with sparkling stones frozen inside it. They want to take the treasure back to their cave. But unfortunately the column of ice is too heavy. The only thing they can do is to melt it. But breathing fire isn't as easy as it sounds. Instead of fire they only manage hot air. Then the four of them have an idea: they'll get their dad to help. And it works! Dad's fire breathing starts melting the column, and little by little the sparkling stones start falling out. The dragon children quickly collect the valuable treasures, and take them back to their cave. With a little luck even dad will get a few sparkling stones! Which dragon child will collect the most sparkling stones in their cave by the end of the game?

How to play:

1. Selecting a sparkling stone tile
2. Lifting an ice ring (the dragon dad will "melt" the top ice ring)
3. Dividing up sparkling stones (take all the fallen sparkling stones in the color of your sparkling stone tile from the game board)


In Dragon's Breath the dragon children Mira, Feo, Luna and Diego discover an unusual sparkling treasure on one of their expeditions: a column of ice with sparkling stones frozen inside it. They want to take the treasure back to their cave. But unfortunately the column of ice is too heavy. The only thing they can do is to melt it. But breathing fire isn't as easy as it sounds. Instead of fire they only manage hot air. Then the four of them have an idea: they'll get their dad to help. And it works! Dad's fire breathing starts melting the column, and little by little the sparkling stones start falling out. The dragon children quickly collect the valuable treasures, and take them back to their cave. With a little luck even dad will get a few sparkling stones! Which dragon child will collect the most sparkling stones in their cave by the end of the game?

How to play:

1. Selecting a sparkling stone tile
2. Lifting an ice ring (the dragon dad will "melt" the top ice ring)
3. Dividing up sparkling stones (take all the fallen sparkling stones in the color of your sparkling stone tile from the game board)