Dragon Age: The First Five Graphic Novels (Paperback)

Dragon Age: The First Five Graphic Novels (Paperback)

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In Bioware’s dark fantasy world of Thedas there are those who are willing to sacrifice their humanity for wealth and power, and those who will die to protect innocent people from them. The heroes of Thedas are often from unlikely places, some are pulled in to save the day by an odd string of fate, others seek adventure out on their own. These are their stories. Collects Dragon…
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In Bioware's dark fantasy world of Thedas there are those who are willing to sacrifice their humanity for wealth and power, and those who will die to protect innocent people from them. The heroes of Thedas are often from unlikely places, some are pulled in to save the day by an odd string of fate, others seek adventure out on their own. These are their stories. Collects Dragon Age: The Silent Grove #1-6, Dragon Age: Those Who Speak #1-3, Dragon Age: Until We Sleep #1-3, Dragon Age: Magekiller #1-5, and Dragon Age: Knight Errant #1-5.