Dr. Strange, Surgeon Supreme Vol. 1: Under The Knife (Paperback)

Dr. Strange, Surgeon Supreme Vol. 1: Under The Knife (Paperback)

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The impossible has happened! Stephen Strange’s hands have been healed, restoring the surgical skills that he lost long ago! But now, Doctor Strange finds himself torn between his obligations as the Sorcerer Supreme – and as a life-saving neurosurgeon! And when Strange is forced to choose which set of vows he must uphold, who will suffer most for it? After all, magic alwa…
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The impossible has happened! Stephen Strange's hands have been healed, restoring the surgical skills that he lost long ago! But now, Doctor Strange finds himself torn between his obligations as the Sorcerer Supreme - and as a life-saving neurosurgeon! And when Strange is forced to choose which set of vows he must uphold, who will suffer most for it? After all, magic always has a cost... Join writer Mark Waid, artist Kev Walker and Dr. Stephen Strange, M.D., for a brand-new era of modern medicine, mystic arts... and horror! Collecting: Dr. Strange (2019) 1-5