Downforce Danger Circuit Expansion

Downforce Danger Circuit Expansion

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Downforce: Danger Circuit, an expansion for Downforce, consists of two new tracks on a double-sided game board as well as six new racer powers to shuffle with those in the base game. Switchback Pass presents dangerous spaces. Cars may move through such spaces only to pass other cars and may not end their turn on one. Crosstown Speedway features two crossover loops, where cars in the…
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Category Tags , , SKU ZBG-REO9006 Availability Out of stock
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Downforce: Danger Circuit, an expansion for Downforce, consists of two new tracks on a double-sided game board as well as six new racer powers to shuffle with those in the base game. Switchback Pass presents dangerous spaces. Cars may move through such spaces only to pass other cars and may not end their turn on one. Crosstown Speedway features two crossover loops, where cars in the rear can block cars ahead of them, and split areas of the track, where players must choose between the shorter single-lane section or the longer, more wide open section.


Downforce: Danger Circuit, an expansion for Downforce, consists of two new tracks on a double-sided game board as well as six new racer powers to shuffle with those in the base game. Switchback Pass presents dangerous spaces. Cars may move through such spaces only to pass other cars and may not end their turn on one. Crosstown Speedway features two crossover loops, where cars in the rear can block cars ahead of them, and split areas of the track, where players must choose between the shorter single-lane section or the longer, more wide open section.