Donny Digits

Donny Digits

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Donny Digits is the Fixingest Boy Alive! Any machine that goes wrong, from a toaster to an ocean liner, anything at all that requires repairing, Donny can do it with the contents of his pockets and whatever is lying around. He’s like a one man International Rescue crossed with Bob The Builder and his abilities are celebrated across the nation. Everybody loves Donny! But would …
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Category Tag SKU ZTP-9781916311800 Availability Backorder
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Donny Digits is the Fixingest Boy Alive! Any machine that goes wrong, from a toaster to an ocean liner, anything at all that requires repairing, Donny can do it with the contents of his pockets and whatever is lying around. He's like a one man International Rescue crossed with Bob The Builder and his abilities are celebrated across the nation. Everybody loves Donny! But would they still love him if they knew his secret? Donny has a twin brother, Dylan - and he's a menace! Everything he touches falls to bits! That's right - he is The Breakingest Boy Alive! Can Donny save the day and keep his secret under wraps?