Dominion: Alchemy

Dominion: Alchemy

RRP: 29.99
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RRP €35.99
Expected Restock Date 01/05/2025
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There are strange things going on in your basement laboratories. They keep calling up for more barrels of quicksilver, or bits of your hair. Well it’s all in the name of progress. They’re looking for a way to turn lead into gold, or at least into something better than lead. Dominion: Alchemy is an expansion, and cant be played by itself in order to play with it, you need…
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Category Tags , SKU ZBG-RGG418 Availability Backorder
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There are strange things going on in your basement laboratories. They keep calling up for more barrels of quicksilver, or bits of your hair. Well it's all in the name of progress. They're looking for a way to turn lead into gold, or at least into something better than lead.

Dominion: Alchemy is an expansion, and cant be played by itself in order to play with it, you need Dominion, or a standalone expansion to Dominion (Dominion: Intrigue). Those provide the Basic cards you need to play (Treasure, Victory, and Curse cards), as well as the full rules for setup and gameplay.