Doctor Strange Omnibus Vol. 1 (Hardback)

Doctor Strange Omnibus Vol. 1 (Hardback)

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Vain, greedy and prideful, Dr. Stephen Strange was a world-renowned surgeon until a car accident crippled his hands. Broken and destitute, he journeyed to Tibet in search of a legendary healer. He found not a man of medicine, but the venerable Ancient One… and the path to the mystic arts! From Dr. Strange’s eerie house on a Greenwich Village corner, Stan Lee and Steve Di…
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Vain, greedy and prideful, Dr. Stephen Strange was a world-renowned surgeon until a car accident crippled his hands. Broken and destitute, he journeyed to Tibet in search of a legendary healer. He found not a man of medicine, but the venerable Ancient One... and the path to the mystic arts! From Dr. Strange's eerie house on a Greenwich Village corner, Stan Lee and Steve Ditko created new dimensions and otherworldly terrors - stories which remain as influential today as they were on 1960s' counter-culture. Now, Marvel is proud to offer this collection of the complete Lee/Ditko Doctor Strange run! In one beautifully restored hardcover volume, experience the iconic first appearances of Baron Mordo, Eternity, Dormammu and the Mindless Ones, as well as Wong and the lovely Clea! Collecting: Material from Strange Tales (1951) 110-111, 114-146; Amazing Spider-Man Annual (1964) 2