Div-Tieflings A Roleplaying Game Supplement

Div-Tieflings A Roleplaying Game Supplement

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A world of scheming and treachery awaits! The Div-Tieflings want nothing more than to rule and subdue all those around them, caring little for the casualties that result from their often bloody and messy conquests! In this volume you will find: a history and background information about the mischievous Div-Tieflings; alternate racial traits for any Tiefling; new class options: The b…
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A world of scheming and treachery awaits! The Div-Tieflings want nothing more than to rule and subdue all those around them, caring little for the casualties that result from their often bloody and messy conquests! In this volume you will find: a history and background information about the mischievous Div-Tieflings; alternate racial traits for any Tiefling; new class options: The bardic seducer and the fighter usurper; new adventure locations to challenge any player. Come take the path of conquest and power!