Disney Museum Puzzle (9000 pieces)

Disney Museum Puzzle (9000 pieces)

RRP: £149.99
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There are so many well-known characters to discover and enjoy. But look more closely and you’ll see many different art styles. Bambi is shown in the classic movie style of yesteryear, Marie from The Aristocats is captured in a modern, colourful and contemporary way, those cheeky Dalmatian pups are in black and white only (what else?) and Aurora is in comic-book style. There ar…
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There are so many well-known characters to discover and enjoy. But look more closely and you'll see many different art styles. Bambi is shown in the classic movie style of yesteryear, Marie from The Aristocats is captured in a modern, colourful and contemporary way, those cheeky Dalmatian pups are in black and white only (what else?) and Aurora is in comic-book style. There are over 25 different, beautifully framed, images to discover as you assemble this large slice of Disney art history! A fantastic project for Disney fans and a good gift for puzzle fans wanting something challenging and just that bit different.