Dig In

Dig In

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DIG IN is a whole new KIND of game which combines frantic finding fun whilst getting kids to practice thinking, co-ordination and social skills. There are THREE ways to play, starting with classic EYE SPY, each player must try to quickly spot and dig out six figures shown on their game card. The first to complete their card WINS! In GAMES TWO and THREE, players race to spot figure…
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Category Tag SKU TTOM-T73478 Availability Out of stock
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DIG IN is a whole new KIND of game which combines frantic finding fun whilst getting kids to practice thinking, co-ordination and social skills.

There are THREE ways to play, starting with classic EYE SPY, each player must try to quickly spot and dig out six figures shown on their game card. The first to complete their card WINS!

In GAMES TWO and THREE, players race to spot figures either starting with a random letter (things starting with R), or with a common theme (things that eat food) from the 128 pieces on the table. First to find their items WINS!

Simple enough for a five-year-old but engaging enough for adults to play along, Dig In is as captivating as it is appealing and brings fun and learning together.