Dice Town

Dice Town

RRP: £32.69
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RRP £32.69
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Welcome to Dice Town, city of fortune and fortune. We admire the brave and love winners – especially when they are willing to bet everything on a roll of the dice. But if you are clever, you can also make your luck in a completely different way. Opportunities are plentiful: the mines are overflowing with gold, the bank doesn’t know what to do with all its dollars, and th…
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Welcome to Dice Town, city of fortune and fortune. We admire the brave and love winners - especially when they are willing to bet everything on a roll of the dice. But if you are clever, you can also make your luck in a completely different way. Opportunities are plentiful: the mines are overflowing with gold, the bank doesn't know what to do with all its dollars, and the mayor is quick to hand out deeds of ownership. Maybe you've got an eye on the sheriff star or just want to hang out in the saloon? Don't miss out: anything is possible in this city!
Dice Town is a fast and sophisticated poker dice game for 2 to 5 players. Becoming the richest citizen in town takes a bit of luck, good tactics and a willingness to bluff. A fun yet challenging game for the whole family. Once you've finished a game, you'll want to play another one right away, I promise!