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Diamonds is a trick-taking card game in which players collect Diamonds ? not cards bearing that suit, mind you, but rather actual Diamond Crystals” (acrylic crystals) included in the game.What makes the game of Diamonds different from other trick-taking card games is that when you cannot follow suit you get a “Suit Action” based on what suit you do play.Suit Action…
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Category Tags , , SKU ZBG-SHG0001 Availability Out of stock
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Diamonds is a trick-taking card game in which players collect Diamonds ? not cards bearing that suit, mind you, but rather actual Diamond Crystals" (acrylic crystals) included in the game.
What makes the game of Diamonds different from other trick-taking card games is that when you cannot follow suit you get a "Suit Action" based on what suit you do play.
Suit Actions are also taken by the winner of each trick, as well as at the end of a full Round of play..