Decrypto: Laserdrive Expansion

Decrypto: Laserdrive Expansion

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When you add Decrypto: Expansion #01 – Laserdrive to the base game, each round you draw a category card — movie titles, tourist attractions, words that begin with an A, etc. — and at least one of the clues that you give to your teammates must match this category. If all three of your clues match the category, then you receive a red laser token. You can spend two red laser tokens …
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Category Tags , , , SKU TCS-DECR_EXP Availability Out of stock
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When you add Decrypto: Expansion #01 – Laserdrive to the base game, each round you draw a category card — movie titles, tourist attractions, words that begin with an A, etc. — and at least one of the clues that you give to your teammates must match this category. If all three of your clues match the category, then you receive a red laser token.

You can spend two red laser tokens to attempt to guess one of the team's hidden words. If you guess correctly, you receive a white token because you've intercepted their info — and collecting two white tokens wins you the game, so this expansion gives you a new way to work toward victory.