Deck of Stories: Gear Booster

Deck of Stories: Gear Booster

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The Gears Booster has 18 steampunk-themed story hooks only found in this expansion. This pack is perfect for anyone playing in the world of “Eberron” or others like it.The Gears Booster follows the same ORC story-telling system and fits into the overall Deck of Stories card sets. If you are seeking to leverage the retrofuturistic time altering and history changing effects of ste…
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Category SKU ZBG-198DOSGB04 Availability Out of stock
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The Gears Booster has 18 steampunk-themed story hooks only found in this expansion. This pack is perfect for anyone playing in the world of “Eberron” or others like it.

The Gears Booster follows the same ORC story-telling system and fits into the overall Deck of Stories card sets. If you are seeking to leverage the retrofuturistic time altering and history changing effects of steampunk, this booster will challenge your adventurers at every turn.