Death's Head (Paperback)

Death’s Head (Paperback)

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When intergalactic mech merc Death’s Head botches a job and wakes up half assembled at a punk show, he goes on a rampage. He’s not the only one feeling broken down and obsolete, as former Young Avengers Wiccan and Hulkling are on the scene with a plan of their own. There’s no way the best robot bounty hunter – oops, we mean ‘freelance peacekeeping agent…
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When intergalactic mech merc Death's Head botches a job and wakes up half assembled at a punk show, he goes on a rampage. He's not the only one feeling broken down and obsolete, as former Young Avengers Wiccan and Hulkling are on the scene with a plan of their own. There's no way the best robot bounty hunter - oops, we mean 'freelance peacekeeping agent' - in this universe is getting taken down by a couple of C-list heroes still wearing their teenage tights. It's time for an upgrade - meet the adolescent new model who'll turn Death's Head's world upside down.