Death Guard: Miasmic Malignifier

Death Guard: Miasmic Malignifier

RRP: £42.50
Now £41.44
RRP £42.50
Expected Restock Date 01/05/2025
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Festooned with swaying plague censers and tainted bells, Miasmic Malignifiers belch thick clouds of miasmal fumes from their rusted chimneys. Sown like spores across target worlds, they are parasites that suck filth from the ground and latch themselves on to local infrastructure, polluting the world on every level. Spread your toxic presence across every world that your army comes t…
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Festooned with swaying plague censers and tainted bells, Miasmic Malignifiers belch thick clouds of miasmal fumes from their rusted chimneys. Sown like spores across target worlds, they are parasites that suck filth from the ground and latch themselves on to local infrastructure, polluting the world on every level.

Spread your toxic presence across every world that your army comes to with the Miasmic Malignifiers. Made up of the main chimney and the smaller pox furnace, it's a great way to bring the blessings/curses (delete as appropriate) of Nurgle to your tabletop. It's also designed to sit neatly atop the Sector Mechanicus Ferratonic Furnace, making a truly immense engine of corruption.

This 55-piece plastic kit makes one Miasmic Malignifier, a Death Guard-specific piece of terrain for use in games of Warhammer 40,000.