Deal or No Deal - Board Game

Deal or No Deal – Board Game

RRP: 22.99
Now €24.43(SAVE 12%)
RRP €27.99
Expected Release Date 04/02/2025
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The Family Action game based on the classic television show starring Stephen Mulhern. Pick your box and place it to one side. Then you too can now choose and open from the other little red boxes and hope that the lower blue values are picked rather than the big value reds. You can play with our without the Free to download web APP that sees the Banker offering you amounts in the hop…
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Category Tags , , , , SKU ZBG-BSGDNDBG01 Availability Available to Pre-Order
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The Family Action game based on the classic television show starring Stephen Mulhern. Pick your box and place it to one side. Then you too can now choose and open from the other little red boxes and hope that the lower blue values are picked rather than the big value reds. You can play with our without the Free to download web APP that sees the Banker offering you amounts in the hope that you sell your box. With all the sounds and visuals from the show the game allows you to experience what it’s like to sit in the chair.

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The Family Action game based on the classic television show starring Stephen Mulhern. Pick your box and place it to one side. Then you too can now choose and open from the other little red boxes and hope that the lower blue values are picked rather than the big value reds. You can play with our without the Free to download web APP that sees the Banker offering you amounts in the hope that you sell your box. With all the sounds and visuals from the show the game allows you to experience what it’s like to sit in the chair.