Deadpool: World's Greatest Vol. 2: End of an Error (Paperback)

Deadpool: World’s Greatest Vol. 2: End of an Error (Paperback)

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Twenty-five years ago in February 1991, the New Mutants encountered a blabber mouthed mercenary who tore through Xavier’s mansion and into the very heart of the 1990s. Now, that self-same degenerate is one of the most popular heroes in the world, an Avenger, and maybe the smelliest and grossest person that tumblr swoons over. PLUS: A full array of stories from Deadpool’s…
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Twenty-five years ago in February 1991, the New Mutants encountered a blabber mouthed mercenary who tore through Xavier's mansion and into the very heart of the 1990s. Now, that self-same degenerate is one of the most popular heroes in the world, an Avenger, and maybe the smelliest and grossest person that tumblr swoons over. PLUS: A full array of stories from Deadpool's new allies, as well as introducing Deadpool 2099 and Massacre - the Mexican Deadpool! Collecting Deadpool #3.1: Tres Punto Uno, 6-7 (subject to change).