Deadpool - Vol. 9: Institutionalized

Deadpool – Vol. 9: Institutionalized

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Expected Restock Date 01/04/2025
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After the fallout (nuclear and otherwise) of Deadpool’s antics out in Arizona, the federal government is faced with an impossible question; What to do with Deadpool? Luckily, Deadpool’s gamma-powered legal defense team provided an answer: Stick him in an institution. Logically, it might be the only solution-after all he really does need some professional help as well as …
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After the fallout (nuclear and otherwise) of Deadpool's antics out in Arizona, the federal government is faced with an impossible question; What to do with Deadpool? Luckily, Deadpool's gamma-powered legal defense team provided an answer: Stick him in an institution. Logically, it might be the only solution-after all he really does need some professional help as well as protection from the enemy: himself. Collecting: Deadpool 40-44