D&D Icons of the Realms: Curse of Strahd - Legends of Barovia Premium Box Set

D&D Icons of the Realms: Curse of Strahd – Legends of Barovia Premium Box Set

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Each Dungeons & Dragons Premium Box Set comes with 7 highly detailed figures that are beautifully pre-painted to complement the unique details of the miniatures. Within the valley of Barovia there are many stories to be told. Local legends say that the Count Strahd Von Zarovich has ruled over this valley for generations and that his land plays host to many powerful beings.Some s…
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Each Dungeons & Dragons Premium Box Set comes with 7 highly detailed figures that are beautifully pre-painted to complement the unique details of the miniatures.

Within the valley of Barovia there are many stories to be told. Local legends say that the Count Strahd Von Zarovich has ruled over this valley for generations and that his land plays host to many powerful beings.Some serve him willingly, and others plot his downfall. Within this box, you will find some of the valleys most terrifying foes, as well as some of its legendary heroes. Excite your players with this collection of 7 highly detailed miniatures and start building your own legendary story today.This box set includes:

Strahd von Zarovich
Madam Eva
Rudolph van Richten
Ezmerlda d’Avenir
Pidlwick II Baba
Lysaga Mongrelfolk