D&D Icons of the Realms: Balagos, Ancient Red Dragon

D&D Icons of the Realms: Balagos, Ancient Red Dragon

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Standng over 18 inches tall to the top of his wings with a near 24 inch wingspan. Balagos, Ancient Red Dragon is an impressive piece to add to any collection or terrifying foe for your gaming table. Contents: 1 x Gargantuan Figure- Balagos, Ancient Red Dragon * This item comes with detachable wings and tail.
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Standng over 18 inches tall to the top of his wings with a near 24 inch wingspan. Balagos, Ancient Red Dragon is an impressive piece to add to any collection or terrifying foe for your gaming table.


1 x Gargantuan Figure- Balagos, Ancient Red Dragon

* This item comes with detachable wings and tail.