D&D Collector's Series Descent into Avernus Miniature: Mahadi

D&D Collector’s Series Descent into Avernus Miniature: Mahadi

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Mahadi the Rakshasa appears as a wealthy merchant lord. Though extremely powerful, Mahadi doesn’t believe in taking unnecessary risks, particularly in the Nine Hells where he can be permanently slain. Mahadi acts as the eyes and ears of Asmodeus in Avernus. As a deal broker and moderator, he’s privy to all manner of dealings that might otherwise escape the attention of h…
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Mahadi the Rakshasa appears as a wealthy merchant lord. Though extremely powerful, Mahadi doesn't believe in taking unnecessary risks, particularly in the Nine Hells where he can be permanently slain.

Mahadi acts as the eyes and ears of Asmodeus in Avernus. As a deal broker and moderator, he's privy to all manner of dealings that might otherwise escape the attention of his patron.

Resin components.

1 Mahadi