Darling Cheri

Darling Cheri

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A stunning and sensuous book about love, this is the story of a young career woman who awakens one morning not only to the light of an early dawn but also to the realisation that love has left her current relationship. Immediately she begins penning a brisk farewell note to her soundly sleeping boyfriend before pursuing the love that has since left. Walter Minus is known for his cap…
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A stunning and sensuous book about love, this is the story of a young career woman who awakens one morning not only to the light of an early dawn but also to the realisation that love has left her current relationship. Immediately she begins penning a brisk farewell note to her soundly sleeping boyfriend before pursuing the love that has since left. Walter Minus is known for his captivating illustrations of fashionable and scantily clad females in publications such as Cosmopolitan, Marie Claire and Elle. Darling Cheri is the third Blab! storybook.