Dark Reign: Skrull Kill Krew (Paperback)

Dark Reign: Skrull Kill Krew (Paperback)

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Pulled from the ashes of 1994, straight to the 21st century, the Skrull Kill Krew is back... more brutal than ever! Television writer and novelist Adam Felber (HBO's Real Time, Schrodinger's Cat) and superstar artist Paulo Siqueira (Ms.Marvel, Amazing Spider-Man) bring you a disturbing and violent tale of a man with a couple of big guns and a bunch of alien shape shifters who harken…
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Pulled from the ashes of 1994, straight to the 21st century, the Skrull Kill Krew is back... more brutal than ever! Television writer and novelist Adam Felber (HBO's Real Time, Schrodinger's Cat) and superstar artist Paulo Siqueira (Ms.Marvel, Amazing Spider-Man) bring you a disturbing and violent tale of a man with a couple of big guns and a bunch of alien shape shifters who harkens back to the earliest days of the Marvel Universe. Pull up a chain gun and join us, won't you?