Dark Deeds

Dark Deeds

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Dark Deeds is a darkly humorous game of skullduggery and suspicion for 2 to 5 players, created by industry veterans Andy Chambers and Mark Gibbons. In Dark Deeds, players take the role of malicious minions in service to a powerful, mysterious, and clearly villainous Patron. In the service of this dark power, minions must perform acts of thievery, violence, and betrayal, all whilst …
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Dark Deeds is a darkly humorous game of skullduggery and suspicion for 2 to 5 players, created by industry veterans Andy Chambers and Mark Gibbons.

In Dark Deeds, players take the role of malicious minions in service to a powerful, mysterious, and clearly villainous Patron. In the service of this dark power, minions must perform acts of thievery, violence, and betrayal, all whilst avoiding suspicious authorities, interfering do-gooders, and the machinations of their rivals. Rich rewards await the most successful minion, alongside horrific punishments for those who fail.

Are you the kind of malevolent minion the Patron needs? Team players need not apply.

This new edition features revised and rebalanced rules, extra cards, and plenty of deliciously dark art from Mark Gibbons.

The Dark Deeds box includes:

1 Street Board
58 card Tavern Deck
(40 Plot cards, 18 Dark Deed cards)
42 card Street Deck
3x15 card Citizen Loot Decks
5 Reference Cards
1 ‘Most Suspicious Minion’ Coin
60 Suspicion Marks
2 Six-Sided Dice
1 Rulebook
14+ years, 2-5 players, 1 hour playtime