Daredevil Epic Collection: Purgatory & Paradise (Paperback)

Daredevil Epic Collection: Purgatory & Paradise (Paperback)

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Taken to the edge! The black costume is no more – but who is that running around in the original yellow suit? And the classic red? Is it Matt Murdock? Jack Batlin? Or… someone else?! The Man Without Fear faces an identity crisis – and it won’t be easy to put his broken life back together! If he can, it’ll be a new dawn for Nelson & Murdock – …
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Taken to the edge! The black costume is no more - but who is that running around in the original yellow suit? And the classic red? Is it Matt Murdock? Jack Batlin? Or... someone else?! The Man Without Fear faces an identity crisis - and it won't be easy to put his broken life back together! If he can, it'll be a new dawn for Nelson & Murdock - unless the hotshot lawyer Rosalind Sharpe has other ideas!