Dahlgaard's Gifts (Trickerion Exp)

Dahlgaard’s Gifts (Trickerion Exp)

RRP: £19.99
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RRP £19.99
Expected Restock Date 01/02/2025
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Dahlgaard’s Gifts – Trickerion Expansion by Ape Games. In Trickerion the players take on the roles of rival stage illusionists, each with their own strengths and characteristics. They are striving for fortune and fame in a competition hosted by a legendary magician, looking for a successor worthy of the mighty Trickerion Stone, which is fabled to grant supernatural power…
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Category Tag SKU ZBG-APE2501 Availability Backorder
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Dahlgaard's Gifts - Trickerion Expansion by Ape Games. In Trickerion the players take on the roles of rival stage illusionists, each with their own strengths and characteristics. They are striving for fortune and fame in a competition hosted by a legendary magician, looking for a successor worthy of the mighty Trickerion Stone, which is fabled to grant supernatural power to its owner. The game offers 40 different Tricks to be learned from the Optical, Spiritual, Mechanical and Escape categories, over 90 character abilities and 60 Special Assignment cards that influence the actions taken at the various game locations. The base game can be expanded with two optional rule modules to add further strategic depth to the game. As there are 90 different Power cards available, it will open up a multitude of new strategies and adds even more replayability to the game.