Cypher System: It's Only Magic

Cypher System: It’s Only Magic

RRP: 42.49
Now €44.30(SAVE 13%)
RRP €50.99
Expected Release Date 01/01/2025
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The new book delves deep into the use of magic in the Cypher System. It goes into every aspect of gamemastering magic-heavy games by offering up information on spells, glamours, ghosts, and demons. This book also covers modern magic and how it interacts with society, technology, and culture, and it provides GM tools to build magical encounters and settings.
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Category Tags , , SKU ZBG-MCG373 Availability Available to Pre-Order
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The new book delves deep into the use of magic in the Cypher System. It goes into every aspect of gamemastering magic-heavy games by offering up information on spells, glamours, ghosts, and demons. This book also covers modern magic and how it interacts with society, technology, and culture, and it provides GM tools to build magical encounters and settings.