Curses Foiled Again! 5 Minute Dungeon Expansion

Curses Foiled Again! 5 Minute Dungeon Expansion

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RRP £19.99
Expected Restock Date 01/05/2025
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In 5-Minute Dungeon players have to race the clock in order to fight their way through a dungeon and defeat the boss at the end of it. Each player chooses a hero mat which comes with its own unique deck. (The mat is double-sided, with a unique hero ability on either side. Players choose which side theyd like to play with at the start of the game.) The dungeon is built up of door car…
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Category SKU ZBG-CFA01W3D Availability Backorder
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In 5-Minute Dungeon players have to race the clock in order to fight their way through a dungeon and defeat the boss at the end of it. Each player chooses a hero mat which comes with its own unique deck. (The mat is double-sided, with a unique hero ability on either side. Players choose which side they’d like to play with at the start of the game.) The dungeon is built up of door cards, which reveal monsters and obstacles, and challenge cards, which contain mini bosses and events.