Crystallo Card Game

Crystallo Card Game

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Expected Restock Date 01/04/2025
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Crystallo is a solo puzzle/abstract card game with a light fantasy theme. Explore the cavern lair of the wicked Black Dragon by placing cards, free six magical creatures by creating crystal sets, and, if you should succeed with that task, trap the dragon in his own cave. Collect treasure along the way, and you may emerge a wealthy champion! Crystallo is played with a deck of 54 illu…
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Crystallo is a solo puzzle/abstract card game with a light fantasy theme. Explore the cavern lair of the wicked Black Dragon by placing cards, free six magical creatures by creating crystal sets, and, if you should succeed with that task, trap the dragon in his own cave. Collect treasure along the way, and you may emerge a wealthy champion!

Crystallo is played with a deck of 54 illustrated cards and 18 gems, and runs about 20-30 minutes.

—description from the designer