Countdown The Boardgame

Countdown The Boardgame

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Countdown is one of the longest-running and most iconic quiz shows on British television. With its distinctive music and compulsive game-play, the show has recently been given a new lease of life – and audience – through the 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown adaptation on Channel 4. With this renewed popularity, Rocket Games has released a brand new version of the Countdow…
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Countdown is one of the longest-running and most iconic quiz shows on British television. With its distinctive music and compulsive game-play, the show has recently been given a new lease of life - and audience - through the 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown adaptation on Channel 4. With this renewed popularity, Rocket Games has released a brand new version of the Countdown board game featuring music from the show and all your favourite rounds. Now you can play along as the stars do and hope to achieve a nine letter word or the elusive target number before the 30 seconds expire. There's also the Countdown Conundrum, where you need to be quick off the mark to spot the jumbled up word before your fellow contestants.