Cosmic Eons Expansion: Cosmic Encounter

Cosmic Eons Expansion: Cosmic Encounter

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Expected Restock Date 01/03/2025
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The galaxy of Cosmic Encounter, like most galaxies, is constantly changing. Just when you think youā€™ve explored every corner of it and met most of its aliens, you turn around to find that a new star system has just materialized, full of new species with astonishing, wildly unique customs. Youā€™ve learned that when interacting with a strange alien for the first time, its best not …
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The galaxy of Cosmic Encounter, like most galaxies, is constantly changing. Just when you think youĀ’ve explored every corner of it and met most of its aliens, you turn around to find that a new star system has just materialized, full of new species with astonishing, wildly unique customs. YouĀ’ve learned that when interacting with a strange alien for the first time, its best not to reveal all of your hand at once. If you want to establish colonies in these recently-formed parts of the galaxy, youĀ’ll have to be conceal your true intentions, negotiate with cunning, and be careful not to put your foot into cross-cultural quicksand or into your mouth. Cosmic Eons, an upcoming expansion for Cosmic Encounter, introduces new aliens with abilities unlike any youĀ’ve dealt with so far, but it doesnĀ’t stop there. This expansion features the Hidden Alliances variant, which enables you and your opponents to reveal simultaneously whose side youĀ’re on. 3 - 8 Players 60 - 120 Min Playing Time Age: 14+ Please note Cosmic Eons is an expansion and a copy of Cosmic Encounters : Base Game is required to play!!