Cosmic Cow Collectors Edition

Cosmic Cow Collectors Edition

RRP: £25.00
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RRP £25.00
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In a universe teeming with cosmic wonders, powerful alien empires wage an epic battle for the most prized resource: cows. Cosmic Cow Collectors is an interstellar board game that invites players on a thrilling adventure where strategic prowess and keen deduction are the keys to ruling the cosmos.

Designed for 2 to 4 players, ages 10 and up, and about 20 minutes of playtime. Players vie for dominance, abducting cows, exploring new planets, and invading other alien empires while keeping their own Secret Planet hidden. With each turn, your memory and wit will be put to the test, as you strive to invade your rivals' secret planets, securing coveted bonus cows.

Your memory will be put to the test in this cosmic showdown!