Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings Spires Mimetic Assasin Expansion

Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings Spires Mimetic Assasin Expansion

RRP: 22.75
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True to the origin of its design, this clones mimetic abilities derive from form and function, rather than training. Each segment of its carapace is individually articulated and razor sharp, allowing it to change its body shape, stance and outline to masquerade as any clone (or humanoid biped with minimal effort in disguise) or even produce claws and weapons made from its own body. …
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True to the origin of its design, this clone’s mimetic abilities derive from form and function, rather than training. Each segment of its carapace is individually articulated and razor sharp, allowing it to change its body shape, stance and outline to masquerade as any clone (or humanoid biped with minimal effort in disguise) or even produce claws and weapons made from its own body. Coupled with its pheromonic field, these attributes grant the Mimetic an unprecedented edge in infiltration and ambush situations. Easily overlooked in the dead of night or heaving mass of combat, the Mimetic Assassin can close within range of its chosen foe unnoticed before it springs into action, transforming into a whirling, stabbing monstrosity in the flash of an eye.

1 Resin miniature
1 27mm plastic base
1 Command card