Conquering Heroes (PF2)

Conquering Heroes (PF2)

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Conquering Heroes is the first in a new series of pregenerated Pathfinder Second Edition characters designed around specific campaign themes. Within these pages you’ll find 8 fully fleshed-out, ready-to-play ideal for any campaign delving into the wooded wilderness, where barbarians and bandits lurk under the eaves of the fey forests and in the hollows of the empty hills, but …
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Conquering Heroes is the first in a new series of pregenerated Pathfinder Second Edition characters designed around specific campaign themes. Within these pages you'll find 8 fully fleshed-out, ready-to-play ideal for any campaign delving into the wooded wilderness, where barbarians and bandits lurk under the eaves of the fey forests and in the hollows of the empty hills, but where a hero might carve out not just a legend by a kingdom and crown of her own! Superstar author Neil Spicer proudly presents: