Commanders in Crisis, Volume 1: The Action

Commanders in Crisis, Volume 1: The Action

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The last survivors of the Multiverse live among us undernew, superheroic identities, five survivors of doomed worlds…taking a secondchance to ensure our world lives on. A new twist on strange superhero comics,with a bleeding-edge eye on the modern moment, COMMANDERS IN CRISIS follows inthe footsteps of Doom Patrol and Thunderbolts as five unexpected heroes cometogether to solv…
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The last survivors of the Multiverse live among us undernew, superheroic identities, five survivors of doomed worlds...taking a secondchance to ensure our world lives on. A new twist on strange superhero comics,with a bleeding-edge eye on the modern moment, COMMANDERS IN CRISIS follows inthe footsteps of Doom Patrol and Thunderbolts as five unexpected heroes cometogether to solve a murder unlike any other. The victim? Compassionitself...This is ideacide! A new series by acclaimed writer STEVE ORLANDO(Wonder Woman, Doom Patrol: Milk Wars, Martian Manhunter) and artist DAVIDETINTO (Marvel Action: Spider-Man), an intense, weird action thriller remindingus about the importance of compassion and hope in the present moment, andputting fists to faces along the way!CollectsCOMMANDERS IN CRISIS #1-6.